Swine, Poultry
Genetic identification and parentage control by microsatellite markers ( ISAG panel) :
on sampling of blood (tube EDTA), cartilage, or hairs
Screening test of the sensibility in the halothane :
The sensibility in the volatile halothane, a gas, is bound to the existence of a transfer SNP of recessive autosomique type (not bound to the sex) on the gene RYR1 (Ryanodine receptor 1). This transfer engenders transcriptionnelle modification ( Arg615Cys) altering the structure of the receiver membranaire sarcoplasmique RYR1, itself impliedin the regulation of the intracellular calcium. The affected homozygous individuals ( nn ) are sensitive to the inhalation of the halothane and present at the end of a few minutes a very characteristic syndrome, a syndrome of malignant hypertherm, the first demonstration of which is a generalized muscle spasm which can lead to the death. A similar reaction is observed in case of high stress. Furthermore, a narrow relation in been able to be established between the sensibility in the halothane and the quality criteria of the meat.
Genindexe proposes you a fast and reliable test of screening in the practicable halothane from sampling of blood (tube EDTA), of cartilages, or hairs.
Analyses in pathology consult the site Labofarm
Genetic Identification and parentage control by microsatellite markers :
Genindexe already has a robust experience regarding génotypage on numerous avian species (chicken, duck, quail, partridge, grouse). Do not hesitate to contact us!
Practicable analyses from sampling of blood (tube EDTA) or of feathers.
Bio-computing analyses :
Study of the structure and the genetic diversity of the populations
Research and assignment of kinship
Test of the gene K " emplumement fast "
This test bases on the determination at the chicken Gallus gallus of genotypes KK or Kk + which are respectively associated to a slow or fast growth of wings. The phenotypic expression of the gene bases on the polymorphism detected in the locus K which is bound to the sex and located on the chromosome Z. The allèle k + contains two genes (PRLR and SPEF2) whereas the allèle K contains a part of these two original genes duplicated. The genotype KK facilitates the sexing of the chicks but is often associated with a reduction of the production of eggs, an increase in the infections by them " lymphoid leucosis virus " and an increase of the mortality rate (Elferink and al. 2008). Test practicable on sampling of blood (tube EDTA) only.
Test of the gene C "recessive white":
The complete insertion of an avian retrovirus of the family of "Avian Leukosis Virus" (AVL) was highlighted in the intron 4 of the gene coding for the tyrosinase at the chicken Gallus gallus (Chang and al., on 2006). This one causes an albino phenotype at the chickens possessing this insertion on both genes. Test practicable on sampling of blood (tube EDTA) or pluck.
Analyses in pathology consult the site Labofarm
Aide in the selection
Genindexe suggests you coming along in the design and realization of programs of specific R&D.
Do not hesitate to contact us!